California Environmental Reporting System

CERS EDT Services (Production)

Regulator Facility Submittal Document Query (RFSDQ)

Allows UPAs to download from CERS a specific document in a CERS facility submittal based upon the document's CERSUniqueKey acquired from a Regulator Facility Submittal Query.

Endpoint URL{CERSUniqueKey}

This service allows UPAs to download any supplemental documents referenced in the results XML they received from the Regulator Facility Submittal Query endpoint. CERSUniqueKey is a CERS-assigned UUID for various entities in CERS, including document uploads. See the sample XML below.

                <DocumentTitle><![CDATA[Annotated Site Map (Official Use Only) - Testing ]]></DocumentTitle>
                <DocumentDescription><![CDATA[Testing ]]></DocumentDescription>
                <DocumentRegulatorKey />

Sample Request: .../Regulator/FacilitySubmittal/Query/Document/be66196f-60d4-4c79-b900-f4e5b1bbc3de

Querying for a non-existent CERSUniqueKey will result in a 404 error.

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