California Environmental Reporting System

CERS EDT Services (Production)

Violation Library Query (VLQ)

Allows UPAs to receive the entire set Violation Library definitions, or a subset of the definitions based upon a Violation Type Number.

Endpoint URL

XML Schemas

Output XML Schema (Version 1/06): ViolationLibraryQuery.xsd

Violation Type numbers must be valid type numbers as shown on the CERS Violation Library at

Example Request (Entire Violation Library): .../Library/Violations

Example Request (Single Violation Type): .../Library/Violations/2030026


* is a required parameter.
Parameter Name Parameter Description
violationTypeNumber If provided, only the Violation Library entry matching this Violation Type Number (4-digit or 7-digit Unique ID) is returned (CDR Field #930, Violation Type ID). If this value is not provided, all Violation Library entries are returned.

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